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Unlock the full potential of the figure skating jumps with our exercises book

Updated: Mar 12

Following the composition of my books Figure Skating: Jumps Techniques -The Guide to Understanding the Mechanics of the Figure Skating JumpsThe 3 Common Mistakes Skaters Make in Jumps, and How to Correct Them, I felt a compelling urge to delve deeper. I sought a long-term, robust solution to address the prevalent issues in figure skating jumps - a specialized training regime.


This curriculum caters to a broad spectrum of skaters, from novices to seasoned professionals and their coaches. It is built as a comprehensive tool to prevent the common mistakes skaters make while attempting jumps. It's certainly not the sole method through which a skater can hone their jump technique, but it's a profound contribution nonetheless.


In figure skating, resource materials that detail techniques could be more extensive. This endeavor of mine will not only prove beneficial to the skating community but also inspire my fellow coaches to contribute their insights to this limited pool of knowledge. Following my time at the Olympics, where I served as a high-performance analyst for the Chinese National team during the Beijing 2022 event, I became a full-time video analysis coach, working independently.


Arnaud Muccini celebrating the victory of SUI HAN at the Winter Olympic games of Beijing 2022
Arnaud Muccini celebrating the victory of SUI HAN at the Winter Olympic games of Beijing 2022

This newfound professional journey shone a light on a passion I hadn't explored previously - that of creating and developing a training program firmly grounded in scientific principles.

Transitioning from working closely with a high-performance team in a high-stakes event like the Olympics to operating as a freelance video analysis coach was challenging and exciting.

This unique experience augmented my professional skillset and interest in science-based training programs. As a result, I am now more determined than ever to cultivate and implement a comprehensive training program that leverages cutting-edge scientific research to maximize athletic performance.

This handbook was created with the earnest intention of serving skaters and their coaches. Regardless of your current grasp of the sport, it is imperative to hone in on the foundational skills continuously. Given our current digital age, where video content dominates, it seems peculiar that this manual persists in containing written exercises, complete with detailed drawings and comprehensive explications.

However, this seemingly archaic approach serves a vital function. The primary aim of this book is not to offer a simple step-by-step guide but to provoke thought and evoke an investigative spirit in all who endeavor to use it.


The handbook is brimming with various exercises, each aimed to enhance and sharpen a specific skating element. There are also many variations to ensure you stay in the rut of monotony. Further, the advantages of an illustrated book over video content should be considered. It is often quicker and more convenient to follow precise steps from a diagram than to pause and repeatedly play a video. And if you wish, you can print out your preferred exercises.

The body axis alignment, mastering control over blade pressure, learning the correct turns required for jumps, understanding the nuances of rotation, and gaining reasonable control and strength in the hips are all vital elements in the growth and development of a figure skater's jump technique.

a figure skater reading the next skating skills exercise to developp her jump
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The training regimen could include coordination, skill, agility, balance, and other crucial physical abilities. However, it is essential to note that these motor skills can also be honed and enhanced in environments outside the ice rink - through general physical fitness regimes, for instance.

This book aims to gather and present some fundamental and seminal notions critical for attaining proficiency and success in figure skating jumps. 

These are the heart and soul of the sport, and mastering these skills can propel an athlete from being merely exemplary to genuinely outstanding.

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